Saturday, May 12, 2012

My main weapon is my large fan. (picture taken 3 years ago, that's why I look different)

Using my fan, I am able to fly on it, quickly using it to repel weapons without the naked eye catching it and striking the opponent from far distances. Also, I lean against all the time ... very good stuff.

On my fan, there are two dots which I call "stars". If I only reveal one, that means I'm only using 1/3 of the total power I have. 2 stars means I'm using 2/3. Lastly, if there are 3 stars, that means I'm using all the fan's ability and strength. All the attacks below can be used at all stages of the "stars", although if they would be stronger if I reveal all three stars.

1st Star, Piercing Mistral
Swipes her fan at high speed, creating whirlwinds that are able to rip out large trees from it's roots.

2nd Star, Slashing Winds
Swipes her fan at high speed, sending tornados, funnels and whirlwinds at god-like speed. Small amounts of charaka is embedded into the wind so this attack is able to slash/cut the enemy.

3rd Star, Ninpou Maitoujou
Ultimate attack. Swipes her fan, targetting at the enemy and encases the enemy in a large tornado-like whirlwind, emebedded with a large amount of charaka. The winds blow so fast that if you touch it, the would rip your arms off due to the speed. If the enemy doesn't have the right armour or isn't strong enough, he can die is less than a second.

Summoning no Justu

This special Ninjustu allows me to summon large creatures I have made contracts with. I haven't made contracts with anything yet, but I can summon Zerg (from StarCraft) in exchange of them infesting me. Zergs are large insect-like creatures with a hard armour shell protecting them. They only live to consume each planet they visit, and when they are done, they move onto the next.

I can summon three types of Zergs:

Zergling - Small in size, but they come in large numbers, easy to kill off but they are fast ... really fast. Attackes by biting and spiting acid.

Lurkers - Attacks from underground. Is not visible by the naked eye but you can sense them if you are powerful enough. The skin is unpenetratable by normal metal weapons and are bullet proof to some extent.

Zerg Queen - Flying Zergs, they can infest you, takes 3 seconds for the serum to spread.

I can also transfrom myself ... but I've only did it once, and I will not do it again, the risk of Zerg taking me over is too big.

The picture on the right was when the first time I tranformed ... I didn't have enough control over myself ... so I still have to train if I plan to control it.

What triggered me to transfom was mostly mental stress, and memories flooding back into my mind.

Ninjustu, Taijustu, Genjustu and Scrolls.

Armour of Sand (Suna no Yoroi)- Encases herself in Sand, surrounding her whole body. This can only protect her against three powerful punches.

Kage no Bushin - Creates REAL able bodies, resembling herself. (Unlimitted amount of "clones" can be created)

Body Freeze Skill (Kanashibari no Jutsu) - Freezes the opponent for a 1 min. Seizing their entrie bodies so they are not able to move.

Dragon Fire Skill (Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu) - A Jutsu which fires several balls of fire from the mouth at ones target. Can also be done with hidden shurikens inside the flames. That makes the attack hidden and unexpected and also leaves an opening for attack.

Mythical Fire Flower (Katon Housenka) - A Jutsu which fires several balls of fire from the mouth at ones target. Can also be done with hidden shurikens inside the flames. That makes the attack hidden and unexpected and also leaves an opening for attack.

Iron Fist Style (Tekken-fu) - Any fighting style that aims to cause damage to the outer body. This damage is caused by strength alone.

Raining Needles (Jouro Senbon) - A barrage of needles fly at the enemy from their hidden place in an umbrella. Then they are controlled using Chakra and directed at the enemy. These needles have been known to have the power to pierce 5mm of steel.

Henge - Able to transform to take on anyone's physical appearance. Simple Ninja technique.

That's all for now guys. :) Late evening ^^