Monday, May 07, 2012

Brace yourself, because G-Dragon’s girlfriend is…

G-Dragon’s company has spoken about this saying in an entry, “The two share a close relationship however these rumors about them dating is incorrect”. Hmm… so they say. Keep reading for fun times.

The rumor mill keeps on milling! Isn’t it fun, though? Evidently, G-Dragon’s girlfriend (I think by now we’re all pretty sure she exists; some of the comments I noted here are enough to convince me) has been named, and everyone is going nuts over it. Some think it’s legit, while others point out that the original source for this information is just a tabloid looking for some attention. (Re: THIS IS A BIG FAT RUMOR WITH NO LEGITIMATE BASIS!)

But who is this person? Who could be the supposed heart-breaker for our heart-breaker?

According to (translation source is here via here), it’s Mizuhara Kiko. She is a model for the fashion magazine ViVi, and her and GD began dating shortly after Big Bang debuted in Japan.

She was born October 15, 1990. That makes her 19 (non-Korean), almost 20, and two years and few months younger than G-Dragon (whose birthday is coming up; he was born August 18, 1988). Her real name is Audrie Daniel; Mizuhara Kiko is a stage name.

She’s quite international as well, so most fans will be able to relate to her in some way. She is half American and half Korean (ethnically, because her mother is Japanese Zainichi/Korean-Japanese). Born in Texas and raised in Kobe, Japan, she fluently speaks English, Japanese, and Korean. She will star as Midori in the film adaption of the novel Norwegian Wood, which is going to be released this fall.
(Some of this via this source.)

Her blog can be found here. She posts a ton of cute pictures!

!!! My goodness. This is so little news, but completely fascinating. She is gorgeous to boot! I know next to nothing about her, but I can’t help but be excited and happy for the two of them IF THIS IS REAL. Of course, since neither G-Dragon or YG Entertainment have confirmed any of this, we’re still in heavy rumor territory. However, it’s been rather clear that GD has someone special in his life, and many fans have speculated that the girl lives in Japan. It’s definitely possible!

I really could go on and on about this, but without confirmation I think it’s silly to think about it too long. It’s very amusing information, though. What do you think? Real or fake? Even if this amounts to nothing, I have to admit I am kind of liking her. She is so pretty! She gets a lot of praise by people. Hmm.

Let’s enjoy pictures in the meantime!